Avalon journey – Sacred rose initiation

This is a journey for the one who feel called to visit the sacred sites of Glastonbury/Avalon, the heart-chakra of the world, and at the same time deepen the connection with the divine feminine , where Isis, Mary Magdalene, Jesus among others have walked the path to open the sacred codes within us. A journey for you who wish to step more into your power, get more aligned with your higher self, embodying more of unity of sexuality and spirituality and being especially called to the the priestess-path . The lady of Avalon is calling you.

Glastonbury is a small town located about 1,5 hours from Bristol, known for its many sacred places, where the goddess is still worshipped. Glastonbury also refers to Avalon, the mystical land where priests and priestesses was working with magic and rituals since ancient times. Glastonbury is also the heart-chakra of the world and said to be located on certain ley lines, a kind of energy lines, activating the heart. Thereby, the land serves as a strong catalyst for activation of the heart, change and transformation.

My personal journey started 2018 when I did a medicine woman training in Glastonbury and later on initiated to a priestess of the rose. This place became the place where i had the strongest transformation and spiritual development in my life and therefore felt guided to bring people here to this magic land. It led me to following my heart and spirits calling fully and trusting my own channel and intuition. I experience that we are not so encouraged to learn to trust and follow our own channel of intuition but rather that someone else have the answers or can heal us. In my experience, healing occurs when we open to recieve and can let go of control and that is also a part of working with the awakening of the feminine energy. Thereby, this journey serves to guide us to open our receptivity where I am holding the space for your transformation with all it might bring.

There are goddess-temples here where one can come for meditation, prayer or groupceremonies. The village is surrounded by a fantastic landscape and nature where old goddess-stones is kept. Other places is Chalise garden, an amazing garden with sacred geometry, Tor, a place of power and rituals on a top of a hill and white springs, a goddess temple inside a cavelike building which is said to be a portal to the spiritworld.

In this journey we combine visits to the sacred sites with rituals sacred bodywork, goddess-singing and more. We get to know the archetypes of the goddesses and explore how they respond in us and the connection to the elements.

We work in a safe space were everyone get to express and talk and I strive for a good group-feeling. Before the journey we well connect online and have a preparation ceremony.

You book your flight and place to stay yourself but I can help you with advice according to your wishes. There are all varieties from budgetplaces to hotels. I reccommend coming a day before it starts for having time to land before. I can also assist you with advice for booking flights etc.

The exchange for preparational ceremony, guidings, ceremonies, entrence fees etc is 444 euro. Possibilites of partial payments.

Partly or fully held in english depending on the participants.

This is a journey designed specially for you who have been working with energy before in one way or another and is ready for a more deepgoing inner journey. It might also suit if you already work in the healing area but feel you are in a phase of change and wish to connect deeper to the path of the priestess and the rose. For more pictures from Glastonbury see: ”Avalon pictures”.

For more information, questions or registrations, plz contact me on email: annabergmansol80@gmail.com.

Welcome to a transformative journey into the heart of the rose!

See full plan her:

Day 1:


The purification initiation

-Goddess Brigid and the element of fire

10:00 Gathering at Avalon Community centre (Address1 King St, Glastonbury BA6 9JY)

Rose ceremony & goddess invocation

Introduction+ sharingcircle (intentions for the week and for this day)

The priestess path and the rosecodes

Goddess Brigid archetype

Archetype energy work – Brigid within

Fire ceremony preparation: Release, transform, invoke

12-14:00 Lunch

14:00: Gathering in town and go together to the fire ceremony

15:00-18:00: Fireceremony

19:00: Dinner and reflection


The rebirthing initiation

-Goddess Avalon and the earth element

10:00: Gathering at the community center

10:00- 10:30 : Sharingcircle

10:30-12:00: The lady of Avalon and the earth element

Archetype work and earth ceremony+ sleeping with the earth

12-13:30: Lunch together

13:30-16:00:  Showing around + goddess temple + freetime

16:00-19:00: Fairywalk

19:00: Dinner and reflection


The dark goddess initiation

-Cerridweeen , water & earth

10:00-10:30: Gathering at the community center

Sharing circle

10:30-12:00: Archetype work.

The shadow: Moving to the underworld with the dark goddess Cerridween.

12:00-16:30: Lunch+freetime

16:30-18:00: Evening ceremony


The sacred womb initiation

-Goddess Rhiannon, from earth to water

10:00-10:30: Gathering at the community center and sharingcircle

10:30-12:00 : Goddess Rhiannon: Archetype work. Voice activation and breathwork.

12:00-13:30: Lunch

13:30-15:30: Chalise wells meditation and water bath

16:00-18:00: Freetime

18:00-20:00: The community center. Sharing, Goddess singing and waterdance


The sacred heart initiation

Mary Magdalene and the sacred heart

10:00: Gathering at the community centre

10:00- 10:30: Temple art yoga and sacred body initiation.

10:30-11:00: Sharing/insights

11-12: Mary Magdalene and archetype work. The sacred heart activation. Air and water

12-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:30: The Magdalene Chapel. Prayer in the chapel

14:30-16:00: Freetime

16:00 Sharingcircle in the community center

16:00-17:00: The sacred feminine and masculine within. Energywork

18:00-19:00: Divine union codes ceremony

19-20: Ending ceremony and sharings/insights